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AI and data show: October 2024

7 Oct 2024

Join Matthew Holman and his guests for the next AI and data show where we will explain what steps you can take now to start AI legal compliance journey.

Webinar details:

Date: Monday 7 October 2024

Time: 12.30pm – 1.15pm

Register your place.

What we’ll discuss:

Let’s rock and roll:

Matthew will be joined in the studio by Lewis Borg, data protection officer at Unilever US who will share practical insights of Unilever’s own AI readiness journey. We’re getting super-practical in this episode and explaining what organisations can start doing to comply with EU AI Act and UK AI laws.

An Uber fine!

Matthew recaps the details of the Uber €290m fine and explains the importance of complying with international data transfer rules.

Mad For It:

We find out if Oasis responded to Matthew’s data protection complaint in part 2 of See It, Say It, SAR It.

3 great things:

Our AI elves relay 3 awesome things that AI has done since September.


Previous webinars:

Did you miss the previous webinars in this series? Catch up now.

Matthew Holman

