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As a partner in the real estate team, I act for institutional investors and specialise in real estate investment, development transactions and asset management.

With over 20 years’ experience both in the City and Cripps, my role includes advising property companies, real estate funds, developers, and occupiers. I specialise in investment work for UK and overseas property investors across all asset classes and sectors, on both a direct and an indirect basis. I have particular expertise in high value transactions  involving complex offshore corporate structures, portfolio acquisitions and disposals, and sale and leaseback transactions. I also assist clients with the asset management of significant retail and industrial schemes.

Areas of expertise:

  • Investment work
  • Development
  • Portfolio management
  • Property finance
  • Asset management

Qualifications and memberships

  • Admitted as a solicitor in September 2001
  • MA (Hons) St And
  • GDL The College of Law
  • LPC The College of Law
If I'm unavailable, please contact:

Ann-Marie Grigg

Legal Secretary
+44 (0)1892 506 009
[email protected]

Fee Hamilton

Legal Secretary
+44 (0)1892 506 122
[email protected]

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