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International arbitration

Dispute negotiations stalled? Looking for a resolution option that doesn’t involve the Court? Is your counter-part in another jurisdiction? Arbitration offers a swift, internationally recognised alternative to court proceedings.

Our specialist commercial disputes team are experts when it comes to arbitration, which is an international and comprehensive way of dealing with cross-border issues. Our expert team has a wealth of experience, gained over decades of practice in this area, involving parties based all over the globe. We are competent and professional in guiding our clients through initial preliminary and jurisdictional challenges, or even with choice of forum and drafting of the arbitration agreements before disputes have arisen. If necessary, we can provide advice on choice of arbitrator, appointments, and guide our clients through the entire process and proceedings before a tribunal, to conclusion at a final hearing.

We have experience in dealing with resolution of complex disputes via arbitration across sector fields including high value commercial disputes, aviation, manufacturing, franchising, shipping and international commodity trade. We regularly advise on the interaction between the arbitral process (which is typically governed by the rules of one of several arbitration institutions) and the English courts, choice of forum and intervening applications to the English High Court on “Arbitration Claims”  where required.

How we can help

Members of the team have acted for clients in cross-border arbitration proceedings involving parties from a range of countries and involving a variety of different arbitral institutions and rules, including the following:

  • London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA);
  • International Chamber of Commerce (ICC);
  • London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA);
  • International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR);
  • Swiss Arbitration Center;
  • Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group.

As well as representing clients in the substantive arbitration proceedings, our team has experience of:

  • applying to the High Court for orders permitting the enforcement of arbitral decisions (known as ‘awards’);
  • working with overseas lawyers instructed in connected international court proceedings or arbitration actions; for example, applying to the High Court for a declaration as to which arbitral Tribunal has standing to determine the dispute, where jurisdiction is disputed;
  • bringing High Court claims seeking damages resulting from breaches of arbitration clauses and the underlying arbitration agreement; and
  • advising clients of the enforceability of arbitration agreements and whether jurisdictional challenges can be filed in opposition to purported Court action; and conversely in issuing claims and Court proceedings where the jurisdiction of a Tribunal or award is in dispute.

Meet the team

Our international arbitration experience

Our client successes

Competing arbitration clauses

We acted for ship owners in a charter-party (c/p) dispute concerning the jurisdiction of an arbitral Tribunal under two co-existing and competing arbitration clauses.

Read the case study

Contact us

If you have a question or need advice, please let us know how we can help.
